About the Journal
IMEJ: Indonesian Mathematics Education Journal is published by Jurusan Tadris Matematika, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ponorogo as a medium to increase the creativity of teachers (especially mathematics teachers), lecturers, academics, and practitioners related to research and community service in the field tadris/education in Mathematics. This journal provides a venue for publication that is peer-reviewed, academically rigorous and professionally recognized. IMEJ publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends in research and community service in the field of tadris/education in Mathematics. This journal is published twice a year on April and Oktober.
The Editorial Board of the Journal invites every manuscript that addresses the topic of research and community service in the field of mathematics education that uses an established and recognized scientific approach that also has impact or can be generalized to national and international populations. All manuscripts must provide a thorough literature review defining research and community service problems as well as overall conclusions discussing the implications and limitations of research and community service, especially in the field of mathematics education.